When you add a new Facebook page to Sentimently, by default we'll activate Sentiment Analysis so Sentimently will auto-hide harmful comments on your posts and ads.

There are other moderation settings you can activate:

  • Navigate to the Moderation settings tab.
  • Use the switches to enable or disable the various moderation settings.

These are the options to choose from:

  • Hide URL's: when enabled, Sentimently will auto-hide comments that include URL's. 
  • Hide images: when enabled, Sentimently will auto-hide comments that include images.
  • Auto-ban: when enabled, Sentimently will auto-ban users when you delete their comments. Banning a user prevents them from leaving any new comments on your posts and ads in the future. Note: you can't "unban" users from within Sentimently because Facebook's API doesn't support this action. The only way to unban users after banning them is through your Facebook page settings.
  • Private mode: when enabled, Sentimently will auto-hide all new comments on your posts and ads. You can then reply to them and unhide them manually if you like to. 
  • Blacklist: when enabled, Sentimently will auto-hide comments that contain blacklisted words.